If you can not find solution to your problem in the FAQ, or you want to reach DinDini for any other reason, write on the Facebook page of DinDini to the following address:

Facebook - DinDini.it www.facebook.com/DinDini.it

After clicking 'I like' you can write your question or a comment in the page diary. Alternatively you can send a private message. The DinDini team will respond as soon as possible.

Your suggestions are valuable to help make DinDini better.

Once registration is complete you go in Accounts table. Here you will find the accounts already created for you that you can modify at will. To start keeping track of the balance of each account, enter for each of the balance of today and from this moment on, enter into DinDini all your financial movements under Transactions.

To keep track of all your expenses, you should create an account for each payment method. When you sign up you can find accounts already created for you, which you can customize by changing the name at will.

In the demo version all transactions that fall in the accounting as a self-employed are identifiable by the tag 'Accounting'. In this way they can be filtered, exported and delivered to your accountant.

If you edit a document, which has been printed or sent, a historical copy of the document is created, in order to keep track of all versions. The historical copies can not be changed and are highlighted in a different color.

These are copies of documents you have sent or printed and are read-only in order to keep track of all the versions that have come out of DinDini. See above the document history.

The document history as described above is used to keep track of all outputs versions from DinDini and potentially delivered to a third person. If you want to see what it looks like a document, which still needs changes, in PDF format without generating historical copies instead of click 'Print' use 'Print preview'.

With a word processor create your letterhead and save it as a PDF. In the Edit page of a document by clicking on 'Manage' button next to 'Pdf backgorund' you can upload your PDF files with the 'Add' button. You get a letterhead that you can rename as you want to use as background for your documents.

There are companies that do not use the simple progressive numbering, but also use letters. It is therefore chosen not to include the auto numbering feature, so there is a code that you enter manually identifying your document.

The generated file is in Excel (.xlsx); if you do not have Microsoft Office Excel you can still open the file by downloading the free viewer to the following address Excel Viewer.

The file to print is in PDF format and can be opened with the free Adobe Reader software downloadable at Adobe Reader. Once installed, you can open the file and print.